Fine-Tuning Language Models for Factuality

A recent paper “Fine-tuning language models for factuality” on 11/14/2023, shows that it is possible to fine-tune language models to improve factuality generation. In particular, the authors generated their own factuality datasets and used the recently introduced direct preference optimization (DPO) method to fine-tune LLMs.


First, generate a dataset consisting of examples ${x, y_{w}, y_{l}}$, where $x$ denotes an input prompt, $y_{w}$ denotes the more factual generation, while $y_{l}$ denotes the less factual generation:

  • For each input text/prompt, we sample/generate $n$ candidate responses with temperature 1.0.
  • Compute the factuality score for each response.
  • For all $n \choose 2$ pairs of responses (for each prompt), choose the response with the higher factuality score as the preferred response $y_{w}$.

Facuality Score Calculation

To calculate the factuality score of a response text, the authors proposed two approaches. The approach which performs better in their experiments (i.e. resulting in a higher performing factuality fine-tuned LM), leveraged the FactScore algorithm (“Factscore: fine-grained atomic evaluation of factual precision in long form text generation”, Min et al. 2023). To evaluate the factuality of a given piece of text:

  • First extract a list of the atomic claims present in the text using GPT-3.5.
  • For each atomic claim, use a smaller more efficient model (e.g. Llama-1-7B that has been fine-tuned for fact-checking) to determine if the claim is supported by reference text (e.g. Wikipedia articles).
  • The input text’s factuality score is the fraction of the atomic claims that are estimated to be supported by the reference text.


The authors performed experiments on biographies and medical QA. They showed that their approach of fine-tuning for factuality preferences using the DPO algorithm can improve upon models such as Llama-2-7b-Chat (the “Chat” models were already instruction-tuned and RLHF tuned). As evaluation metric, they also consulted GPT-4 and performed some human evaluation.

Written on November 26, 2023